Saturday, September 6, 2008

I really cannot stoop to such shallow levels, especially after my birthday treat. Of course, I am talking about that school-ground chestnut of finishing with the missus once her birthday approaches, and then after a few days to think about one's actions, I would ring her up explaining I'd made a terrible mistake and that I wanted to get back together. Such kidology, some may argue, would be justified in my case: Lysey's birthday is February 3rd, our anniversary is February 2nd, and Valentine's Day soon follows. (I know, what was I thinking? I'd save a fortune, though) However, after the three days we spent together for my 26th birthday on the Gold Coast, such contemplation goes out the window. (If indeed I can even call it contemplation).

That's simply because the whole experience was superb - from the beginning when we rocked up to the airport, where I was still none-the-wiser to our forthcoming destination last Monday (1st), to spending my actual birthday in the theme park of Warner Brothers Movie World. On the subject of the airport, we arrived far too early - and by that I mean our flight had not even appeared on the departures board. This was a nightmare; Lysey wouldn't spill the beans and the board seemed stuck on yesterday's departures. (I think I compared the situation to being a bigger tease than the ten minute preview one can find on the Adult Channel!) Alas, however, it soon became evident that destination sunshine was on the horizon.

In just over an hour's flight we had left the drizzle of Sydney and arrived in the summer of Surfers Paradise. The state of Queensland, it must be said, hardly suffers from a cold climate, and the flip flops and sunnies got their first outing on what promises to be a scorcher of a summer (once it reaches our neck of the woods, of course. Stroll on October/November...) The heat was also aided by a controllable amount of visitors to the Gold Coast for our three days; as it's not yet 'peak-season' strolling around at night was a canter and queuing for rides at Movie World (Tuesday 2nd) was a breeze. Moreover, the hotel we stayed at (going out with someone who works in the trade certainly has its benefits) offered stunning views of the beach and landscape, which could be described as being similar to something of a popular British seaside resort. 

Turning such a grand age initially didn't hit me. However, it was recently pointed out that in 14 years time I will be 40 and now I feel less cheerful. Furthermore, as an indication that I am getting old, it took me two days to get over the massive bender that Lysey had in store for me; we managed to paint the town red and I remember very little. Apparently, I rang home to say thanks for all the gifts and cards I had received, but I do not recall any of the conversation. I hope old age isn't bringing the rigours of early alzheimers! I must remember, though, that I have to try and top Lysey's efforts for her 24th birthday next February.

Moving on, I should apologise for another change I made to my blog this week. I promise to stick to the current domain, but I felt compelled to change it because I feared the 'Thought Police' were after me once again. (The previous blog - that would be the second blog - contained too much personal information.) In my attempts to find some peace of mind I have been weighing up my options; either I could dumb down on what I write, or I could find an alternative to write about. However, I then ask myself, 'why should I?' The issue of freedom of speech springs to mind, plus I have only ever spoken the truth so I'll continue to do so, but perhaps I'll change my angle. I had plenty of anxiety regarding the 'Thought Police' running through my head every time my current boss approached my desk for my two days at work this week (Thursday and Friday - the 4th and 5th). I was seriously expecting some kind of backlash regarding my views I expressed last week, but once again - I am just honest with the truth. It must be said, I am still not enjoying my time, but next week is my last in the role so I am in the process of finding alternative employment. Ha, to anyone who found my dismissal and demise of my blog amusing, I have since learnt about a former Liberal Leader in the state of Western Australia (they have gone to the polls this weekend) who was sacked after he was caught sniffing the chair of a female colleague. 

Before the frivolity of the three days away for my birthday, I had another football fix, but this time my superstitions took control. Last week I wrote that Tottenham's dreadful start to the season was solely down to the fact that Lysey had stayed over for both opening matches. Therefore, for the Chelsea match I decided that she wouldn't be allowed to stay, and lo and behold, we picked up a point. Moreover, that sporting anomaly of 'sometimes when you draw you actually win' springs to mind as I would have taken that at the start of the game. Getting a point against that lot was amazing - so much so that she's not staying for our forthcoming game against Aston Villa. (It's for the best as I am a happy man when my team wins).

Furthermore, I, along with my Polish housemate Alan, went along to watch the Sydney vs Perth A-League match that very Sunday (31/8). Gone are the tentative nerves of the opening round, only to be replaced by defensive blunders aplenty as it ended 5-2 to Sydney. That's the A-League I have grown to like - the one where tactical nouse is at a limit and where the goals are free flowing. It made for a much better spectacle than the opening 0-0, and this very fixture like the majority I have witnessed in Australia had its shortcomings, but I except it for what it is - a football fix. To be honest it annoys me when people make direct comparisons to the Premier League as they are comparing the uncomparable, but the league is ever improving. Look at their national result against the Dutch, for example.

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